The fight against the Rosebank oil field isn’t over – ask your MSP to speak out

Rishi Sunak’s Government has given the green light to the huge Rosebank oil field – the biggest undeveloped oil field in the North Sea. New oil and gas endangers us all.  

Burning the 500 million barrels of oil contained within Rosebank would produce the equivalent climate pollution as the world’s 28 lowest income countries create in a year. Not to mention that it takes us further away from the much-needed transition to renewable energy.  

The tide is turning against fossil fuels, and by approving projects like Rosebank, the UK Government is choosing to support the interests of the fossil fuel industry over the demands of ordinary people. 

It’s not too late to stop this disastrous project from going ahead. People power has stopped projects like this in their tracks before and we can do it again.  

Write to your MSP today and ask them to join others and speak out against the UK Government’s climate-wrecking decision.