Buses should be run for passengers, not for profit. Deregulation has led to expensive, unreliable and uncoordinated bus services. Now is the time to change that.
Transport is Scotland’s biggest source of climate emissions, so we need an affordable, accessible, high-quality public transport network to make it possible for people to get around without cars.Â
As well as being essential to take action on the climate crisis, this will bring other benefits to society like reducing inequality and improving health and wellbeing.
SPT, the transport authority for Glasgow and the West of Scotland, is currently developing a new strategy which will set the direction for buses for the next 15 years. This offers us a once-in-generation opportunity to end the chaos caused by bus deregulation and ensure that public money is used to provide the services that we need.
We need as many people as possible to write to the board before they announce their plans on the 15 March, to show them that the people of Strathclyde demand better buses.
Write to the SPT board now to ask them to bring buses back into public control.
We’ve drafted an email for you, so it’ll only take you a few minutes.Â
Please only write to the SPT board if you live within the 12 local authorities in the Strathclyde region (Glasgow, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire, Inverclyde, North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, South Ayrshire and the Helensburgh & Lomond ward in Argyll & Bute).