Pledge to take action to revolutionise resources

Scotland is consuming materials at a rate that is wrecking the planet and causing people to be exploited around the world.

84% of Scotland's carbon footprint comes from the materials we consume.

We currently have an important opportunity to change this, and we need as many people as possible getting involved to make this change a reality.

The progress that public pressure has won so far, like banning single-use plastics, is a great first step, but we don’t have time to change the economy one product at a time – we need to change our whole system of consumption. Crucially, the government needs to make businesses take responsibility for their polluting products.  

We need a circular economy where materials are properly valued and cycled round the economy as much as possible.  

We need policies which encourage producers to reduce the amount of materials we use by making products that last for longer, make them easy to repair and use materials that are better for the planet. 

The Scottish Parliament is creating a new law to support the development of a circular economy in Scotland. 

We'll need a huge push to convince politicians to make the proposed law more effective than it currently looks. A strong circular economy can help reduce Scotland’s consumption of materials both within Scotland and through our international impacts, and this is a vital part of climate justice.

The Scottish Parliament is currently reviewing the Circular Economy Bill and this process will continue through to next year. 

We need to build power to push them to make the changes to resource use that we really need.

Will you pledge to take action?

We’ll send you key updates and opportunities to take action at home, in your community and in national mobilisations.

  • J S 23.05.2024 21:46
  • Kathryn C 17.05.2024 18:01
  • Janine M 02.05.2024 13:42