Help save St. Fittick's Park in Aberdeen

On Thursday 7th November, Aberdeen Councillors will make a decision on the planning application to destroy St Fittick's park in Torry to build an industrial 'Energy Transition Zone'.

The community is fighting fiercely against this project and this is our chance to support their efforts. The local campaign group is opposing the ETZ because they are a corporate land grab by the oil industry - cynically dressed up in transition marketing language.

We all support a just transition, where workers and people that will be most affected by energy transition, such as those in Torry, directly benefit and are part of the decision making process.

But these ETZ plans have no consent from local people and will take away vital greenspace from a community that is already burdened with pollution from the oil industry.

We need as many people as possible to write to the councillors on the planning committee and demand they reject this planning application for Torry’s last accessible and vibrant greenspace.

This objection is based on evidence that the damage would be irreversible. The company's analysis of health impacts is unreliable, the flooding risks have been underestimated, and the mental health and wellbeing of the local community has been sidelined.

It is not too late to stop these reckless plans. If the application is approved at this stage, then it makes it very difficult to stop a future full planning application. So now is the time to email councillors.

  • Maria d L 16.01.2025 13:19
  • James P 09.01.2025 17:44
  • Martin D 09.01.2025 15:44
  • Chas B 09.01.2025 14:32
  • Alex S 09.01.2025 14:21
  • Sophie M 18.12.2024 19:12