Email your MP: Palestine ceasefire now

Over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed during Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

This war is also destroying the environment, with lethal chemicals released into the air, water and soil. This is an acute moment in a decades long struggle for environmental justice which has seen land and water appropriated and toxic waste dumped on Palestinian land.


199 emails have been sent to MPs. Will you help us send another 51?

Pledge to take action to revolutionise resources

Scotland is consuming materials at a rate that is wrecking the planet and causing people to be exploited around the world.

84% of Scotland's carbon footprint comes from the materials we consume.

We currently have an important opportunity to change this, and we need as many people as possible getting involved to make this change a reality.

1,200 people have pledged to take action.
Join them!


The fight against the Rosebank oil field isn’t over – ask your MSP to speak out

Rishi Sunak’s Government has given the green light to the huge Rosebank oil field – the biggest undeveloped oil field in the North Sea. New oil and gas endangers us all.  


240 people have asked their MSPs to keep fighting to stop Rosebank. Will you help us reach 500?

Urge your local councillors to divest pensions from fossil fuels

With fuel poverty, energy prices, and global temperatures on the rise, it’s about time our local authorities stopped investing workers’ pensions in the culprits responsible. Write to your councillors now and urge them to support fossil free pensions.


392 people have emailed their local Councillors. Will you help us reach 500?